Monday, June 19, 2017

Just can't help myself...

Went by the house this afternoon, no one was around working on it so I decided to slip inside and scope out the progress. Its pretty cool to see the inside and really get a feel for the room sizes. Garage is filled with trim, cabinets, doors and countertops so they are staged to do alot soon. Onto the pictures!

Plain jane white sink
 Doors paint counters etc
 Deeper than the super shallow sink we had in the last house
 Looking through the kitchen to the dining room

 Dining room into living room
 Future home of living room tv
 Looking into kitchen
 From living room into dining room

 Laundry room is definitely going to be overflow pantry, this thing is tiny
 Speaking of laundry room
 Decent size, should be able to get whatever we want

 Looking into the master
 Looking from inside left corner of master
 Master bathroom

 Master closet

 Sons closet, glad we don't have any bi fold doors
 Another shot of sons room
 Master bedroom again

 AC mounted up
 Good size unit

 Will be easy to mount the basement tv

 Lots of room

It was starting to rain before i left so went back through and closed all the windows, don't want to ruin that drywall.

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