Saturday, May 20, 2017

Update on mortgage

So as said previously we have full approval through underwriting, we get a free 90 day lock (actually 94) so I have been watching rates anxiously and not liking the trend of increasing rates. Once we started making progress on the house we decided that locking sooner rather than later would be in our best interest. I contacted our NVR rep to check rate before locking and was surprised that the rate seemed higher than my research indicated it should be. Suspicious, I contacted my original lender and asked for their rate, and was provided a much lower rate. Now the dilemma. Ryan offers 3k incentive ONLY if you use NVR, this would mean going with the lower rate would cost us additional 3k upfront. Obviously this would be paid for over the life of the loan but that doesn't make it easier to come up with. So, I decided to go to NVR with this lower rate qoute and and see how badly they wanted my business. The good news was they were willing to drop the rate, the bad news was it was at the cost of a full point. That was almost 2600 dollars. Now we are using the incentive to to match the rate, essentially separating the two offers by dollars after differences is closing costs are accounted for. About an hour after this convo I get a call back from the NVR rep. She says she could hear in my voice i was less than thrilled with their offer. She took this as her cue to speak to her manager and work on improving it. Her updated offer came in the form of discounting the point by about 700 dollars. This made it cheap enough that adding to our loan would not kill our appraisal chances. So, we locked in at 3.8%. Now we wait for the appraisal and see if I can sleep at night again.

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